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CR 404 Waterline Realignment/CR 404 Realignment Project

Williamson County; Hutto, Texas

The CR 404 Realignment Project and the CR 404 Hutto 18-Inch Waterline Realignment Project are both public works projects involving the redesign of CR 404 from RM 3349 to CR 401, as well as the relocation of an 18-inch waterline transmission main. 

Given Williamson County’s population growth, county planning officials believed the new roadway was necessary to improve safety and facilitate continued growth in the county. The road project involves the construction of a temporary four-lane road, which begins in the spring of 2023 and is expected to conclude in the summer of 2024.

The water project will relocate an existing water utilities transmission line for the City of Hutto and connect it to an existing 16-inch main. The limits of the project are along a future county road — from CR 404 to CR 404 at FM 973 — and the project comes with an anticipated cost of $4.6 million.

Landowners in Williamson County may be affected by these projects, as local government officials may use eminent domain to acquire land for these projects to proceed.

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Landowner Resources

Discover the key elements of eminent domain and condemnation in Texas: government authority, just compensation, and public use requirements. Understand your rights with this free legal guide.


If your property is at risk of being seized, understanding the power behind eminent domain and the process of condemnation is crucial. Find answers to frequently asked questions here.

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As a rancher and landowner himself, Dan Gattis understands firsthand the priorities and problems of private-property owners and shares the deep ties, emotions, and values of families that have lived and worked the land — many for generations.