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Hutto Water Supply Project

Hutto, Texas

Residents of Hutto may have heard talk in recent years of a water supply project within the city. The first phase of the Hutto Water Supply Project commenced in 2021 and is expected to be complete in June 2023. This initial phase is the first of three phases and is expected to cost more than $17 million once completed.

The project has the overall goal of reducing the city’s reliance on outside sources to supplement the city’s growing water needs. Upon completion of the project, it is anticipated that being able to cancel the city’s long-term contracts with the cities of Taylor and Manville would save Hutto up to $700,000 per year.

The first phase involves improvements to waterlines and the overall water supply system. Subsequent phases can include the construction of new aquifer wells and two aquifer storage and recovery wells. 

Because the project will take place in and around Hutto, private property owners may face claims of eminent domain and condemnation by city officials seeking to acquire land to complete the project.

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Landowner Resources

Discover the key elements of eminent domain and condemnation in Texas: government authority, just compensation, and public use requirements. Understand your rights with this free legal guide.


If your property is at risk of being seized, understanding the power behind eminent domain and the process of condemnation is crucial. Find answers to frequently asked questions here.

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As a rancher and landowner himself, Dan Gattis understands firsthand the priorities and problems of private-property owners and shares the deep ties, emotions, and values of families that have lived and worked the land — many for generations.